
Grigliata di ferragosto su cucina da esterno

Ferragosto BBQ: All the Secrets for a Perfect Party

Ferragosto, from the Latin Feriae Augusti (Augustus’ rest) is a holiday with ancient roots, dating back to 18 BC, when Emperor Augustus established a period of rest and celebrations to mark the end of the main agricultural work. Over time, Ferragosto has transformed into a religious feast honoring the Assumption of Mary, while maintaining its secular and popular character and establishing itself as an unmissable opportunity to spend quality time outdoors with family and friends. This is demonstrated by the traditional Ferragosto barbecue, which has always been synonymous with good company and good food, but in recent years has become even more popular thanks to the incredible spread of stainless steel outdoor kitchens. If you’re lucky enough to own one, keep reading: we have some advice for you!

How to prepare your stainless steel outdoor kitchen for the Ferragosto barbecue

The undisputed protagonist of Ferragosto day, your stainless steel outdoor kitchen should be organized ad hoc before proceeding with the preparation of the traditional barbecue. Here are our tips:

1. Make sure all stainless steel surfaces of your outdoor kitchen are clean and tidy. If necessary, clean the grill, tidy up the work surfaces, and check that everything is in its place: this way, food preparation will be much easier and more enjoyable;

2. Inspect the grill to verify that it’s in good condition and remove any grease or carbon residues using a steel brush or scraper. If the grill is very dirty, turn it on for 10-15 minutes at maximum power to burn off the residues and then brush away the ashes. If you’re using a gas grill, also check that the cylinder is full and that there are no leaks in the pipes, while if you’re using charcoal, make sure you have enough briquettes or charcoal for the whole day;

3. Prepare all necessary utensils, such as tongs, spatulas, heat-resistant gloves, and meat thermometers. Arrange them in an orderly and accessible manner so you can easily reach them during the barbecue;

4. The day before or the morning of, prepare all the ingredients: marinate the meats, cut the vegetables, and prepare any side dishes or sauces. This will allow you to focus on cooking without having to run to the kitchen every time;

5. Prepare a dedicated area for cooked food, with trays and covers to keep it warm and protected from insects. If possible, use an outdoor heater or a secondary grill to maintain the temperature;

6. Organize the area around the kitchen with comfortable seating, umbrellas or gazebos to create shaded areas, and maybe some fans for hotter days! If you think the party will extend into the evening, also add soft lighting, such as LED lamps or lanterns;

7. An hour before your guests arrive, do a test run of lighting the grill to ensure everything is working correctly;

8. Prepare a drink area, with ice always available and a variety of soft drinks, beers, and wine to satisfy all tastes.

By following these tips, your outdoor kitchen will be ready to welcome your guests even before their arrival, and you’ll be able to enjoy the barbecue with them, without any unforeseen issues!

The Ferragosto barbecue menu: which dishes to prepare in your outdoor kitchen

Food is at the center of any respectable Ferragosto barbecue, and your outdoor kitchen offers you endless possibilities to create dishes that satisfy all your guests’ tastes. Start with a selection of appetizers to prepare in advance, such as bruschetta with tomato and basil, meat or fish carpaccio, and grilled vegetables. If you want to present a complete menu, continue with very simple spaghetti alla crudaiola, prepared with cherry tomatoes and basil, or with a more elaborate dish of homemade fresh pasta: how about bringing orecchiette with cherry tomatoes, arugula, and parmesan or salted ricotta flakes to the table? Otherwise, move directly to preparing the barbecue, which we recommend making mixed, with meat and fish, to please all tastes. Then prepare shrimp and squid skewers accompanied by a light citrus sauce, and beef steaks, pork ribs, and sausages marinated with aromatic herbs and lemon. As a side dish, present grilled zucchini, peppers, and eggplants, baked potatoes, and a nice salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, and red onion, dressed with extra virgin olive oil and oregano. At this point, only dessert will be missing: you can opt for a fruit salad of seasonal fruits accompanied by creamy artisanal ice cream, or decide to prepare in advance a fresh lemon semifreddo or a more classic tiramisu.

Once you’ve outlined all the courses of your Ferragosto menu, select wines, cocktails, and non-alcoholic beverages to serve throughout the day. Again, the more varied the offer, the more likely you are to meet all your guests’ tastes!

The atmosphere of the Ferragosto barbecue: what are the details that make the difference

After organizing your space, cleaning your outdoor kitchen, outlining the menu you’ll offer your guests, and purchasing everything necessary for the preparations, dedicate yourself to the atmosphere. You’ve already set up a relaxation area with comfortable seating, created shaded areas for the day, and positioned LED lamps and lanterns for the evening, but you could also:

  • create themed decorations to decorate your outdoor space and set your table;
  • put on a summer playlist in the background, with tracks ranging from jazz to pop, through Latin music and Italian classics;
  • organize outdoor activities and games to entertain your guests, especially if there are children.

The beating heart of the day will always remain your stainless steel outdoor kitchen, but with the right preparation and attention to detail, you can create an event that all your guests will remember fondly!